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Kanpur Construction Worker Electrocuted to Death; Disturbing Video Surfaces!!

Kanpur Construction Worker Electrocuted to Death; Disturbing Video Surfaces

A disturbing video depicting the daylight electrocution of a man has emerged online from the city of Kanpur in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Disturbing visuals of a man’s sad death after touching a high-tension electric line have appeared on the social networking platform X (previously known as Twitter).

The man, who was most likely a construction worker, was electrocuted after he touched the live high-voltage wire, according to sources. The man was promptly electrocuted as a result. Electric sparks can be seen flying from the nearby poles as he falls on the line.

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This video contains disturbing images

High current quickly sets fire to his corpse, and his charred remains can be seen plummeting from the under-construction building’s top. The unfortunate bystanders in the area could do nothing except watch the man die a horrible end. The city of Kanpur appears in the video. It is unclear when or where the video was shot.

Kanpur Construction Worker Electrocuted to Death; Disturbing Video Surfaces
Kanpur Construction Worker Electrocuted to Death; Disturbing Video Surfaces

As well as raising alarms about the job of power companies maintaining such high voltage cables in such congested public places, this unfortunate incident raises concerns about the safety of construction workers on sites. There have been no announcements of any developments in this subject.

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