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Maruti 800 Car Rolls Backward, Crashes Into Parking Lot Pillar in Shillong Viral Video!!!

Maruti 800 Car Rolls Backward

When a car in Shillong rolled backward and crashed into the pillars of a parking lot, it prevented a catastrophic disaster. Online users are sharing a video of the event in unprecedented numbers.

In the footage, a man can be seen driving away in a Maruti 800 and exiting the vehicle once he has reached the top of the parking structure. When the man exits the car at the bottom of the parking lot, it rolls backward and slams into the pillars.

The owner does his best with his car

The driver desperately tries to stop the vehicle as it rolls backward but is unsuccessful, and the car crashes at the bottom. The footage was allegedly shot at the Vishal Mega Mart on Jail Road in Shillong.

The CCTV cameras caught the famous video shared millions of times online. The security footage shows the car’s owner exiting the mall parking garage and speeding higher.

Maruti 800 Car Rolls Backward
Maruti 800 Car Rolls Backward

Videos recorded by surveillance cameras quickly become viral

The man drives to the top of the parking lot, exits the vehicle, and descends to the ground, perhaps to conduct some job or converse with someone. The automobile begins to slide backward as the driver exits and walks a few steps.

The CCTV film clearly shows the man attempting to stop the car from moving back but failing to do so. The vehicle begins to reverse, gaining speed as it does so until it careens backward into the parking lot pillars with great force.

The parking lot’s support columns collapsed

Common complaints include the vehicle’s solid construction or the parking garage’s flimsy pillars. The Maruti 800 rolled down the parking lot’s ramp and crashed against the pillars, shattering them. Fortunately, nobody was in the vehicle when it crashed into the parking lot’s pillars.

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Dangerous collision avoided

Since nobody was in the vehicle and nobody was behind it when it began to roll backward, a catastrophic collision was avoided. The onlookers were stunned by what they saw. People on the internet are also reacting shockingly to the footage.

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