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UP Man Working As ISI Agent Arrested From Meerut, Sent Photos Of Rafale To Pakistan!!!

UP Man Working As ISI Agent Arrested From Meerut, Sent Photos Of Rafale To Pakistan

On Thursday (August 17), the Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force (UP-STF) arrested a young man from Meerut on suspicion of collaborating with the Pakistani intelligence service ISI. Kaleem is the name of the detained individual.

According to the STF Uttar Pradesh, he allegedly had a collection of illicit weapons and had conspired criminally with Pakistan’s ISI intelligence service.

According to STF, the weapons were being amassed in preparation for an attack that would raise tensions and disrupt national peace.

According to the STF statement, the man’s goal was to harm Pakistan’s internal and external security by taking images and gathering information, then sharing it with the ISI in Pakistan.

The suspect was a frequent user of the photo-sharing app Whatsapp. According to the STF, he also acted as an informant for the Pakistani intelligence service.

Using WhatsApp, “photos and messages of security-related places in India were sent to ISI and terrorist organizations in Pakistan,” STF Uttar Pradesh reported.

UP Man Working As ISI Agent Arrested From Meerut, Sent Photos Of Rafale To Pakistan
UP Man Working As ISI Agent Arrested From Meerut, Sent Photos Of Rafale To Pakistan

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According to sources, the guy photographed Rafale jets and sent them to a Pakistani news outlet.

He has been taken into custody, and further interrogation is underway as investigators try to determine whether or not he acted alone in transmitting information to Pakistani government authorities.

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