Ahead of the Delhi assembly elections on February 5, the Delhi Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) announced that over Rs 21 crore worth of items, including liquor, cash, and precious metals, have been seized within a week of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) being enforced on January 7.
The MCC, aimed at ensuring free and fair elections, regulates the conduct of political parties, candidates, and the electoral process itself.
According to data from the Delhi CEO’s office, the highest seizures occurred in East Delhi, amounting to Rs 6.83 crore, followed closely by South Delhi at Rs 6.81 crore. The New Delhi area reported the lowest seizures at Rs 3.9 lakh.
The total value of seized items includes Rs 9.8 crore in cash, Rs 6.1 crore worth of precious metals, Rs 5.05 crore in drugs, over Rs 47 lakh in freebies, and liquor valued at over Rs 45 lakh.
Alice Vaz, Delhi’s Chief Electoral Officer, stated that preparations for the assembly elections are progressing smoothly, with training programs for polling staff already underway. She emphasized the importance of monitoring critical data related to nominations, permissions, and enforcement actions on a daily basis.
Vaz also highlighted efforts to map vulnerable polling stations, ensuring that necessary security measures are taken.
While police deployments and security arrangements are still being finalized, authorities are closely monitoring the situation to ensure a smooth and secure voting process on February 5.
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