Aam Aadmi Party protests, burns Government Services Ordinance effigies in national capital

The Arvind Kejriwal-led AAP had previously called off the demonstration after petitioning the Supreme Court. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has taken to the streets in Delhi to protest the Centre’s ordinance on regulating services by burning copies of the decree and symbolic effigies.

Aam Aadmi Party protests, burns Government Services Ordinance effigies in national capital
Aam Aadmi Party protests burn Government Services Ordinance effigies in the national capital.

The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) published a statement on Wednesday saying that from July 6 to July 13, people will burn images and copies of the “black ordinance” at various locations, streets, and crossroads around Delhi to show their displeasure

The Arvind Kejriwal-led AAP had previously called off the demonstration after petitioning the Supreme Court. Then, the other side claimed that the case was still pending. However, the party did not explain why the protest was restarted.
Wednesday Protests by the AAP

On Wednesday, party officials and members also came to the streets in the nation’s capital to protest the Center’s Ordinance to regulate services in Delhi. They insisted that the ordinance be rescinded immediately.

The AAP government in Delhi has called the May 19 ordinance promulgated by the Center to establish an authority for the transfer and posting of Group-A officials a “deception” in light of the Supreme Court’s ruling on the control of services.

Legislation Issued by the Central Government

The ordinance was passed a week after the Supreme Court transferred authority over Delhi’s services to the elected government, except the police, public order, and land. It has established the National Capital Civil Service Authority to handle Group A officer transfers and disciplinary hearings.

Kejriwal Makes Overtures To The Opposition

Before the supreme court’s decision on May 11, the lieutenant governor exercised complete administrative authority over the transfer and posting of all Delhi government personnel.

After the ordinance, Kejriwal reached out to non-BJP party leaders to rally opposition and ensure the failure of the Centre’s attempt to replace the law with a Bill in Parliament.

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