In a scathing attack on the BJP ahead of the Delhi elections, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Monday unveiled a blank book titled “Bhajpa Ki Uplabdhiyan” (BJP’s Achievements), mocking the party for allegedly failing to deliver on its promises.
At a press conference, senior AAP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh criticized the BJP for making numerous commitments during its 2014 campaign and subsequent tenure in power but falling short on implementation.
“From the RSS’s founding in 1925 to the formation of Jansangh in 1952 and the BJP in 1980, the party has governed multiple states and made countless promises. Yet, since coming to power in 2014 under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, many key promises remain unfulfilled,” Singh said.
He highlighted several pledges made by the BJP, such as depositing Rs 15 lakh into every Indian’s bank account, creating 2 crore jobs annually, ensuring permanent housing for slum dwellers, reducing petrol prices to Rs 50 per litre, and strengthening the rupee against the dollar.
Singh also cited unfulfilled promises like granting registry rights to residents of unauthorised colonies.
“Today, we are releasing a book that lays bare the BJP’s actual achievements. While they won’t speak of their failures, we will bring them to public attention,” Singh said, taking a swipe at the party.
Revealing the blank pages of the book, he quipped, “We encourage everyone to read and share this book widely. It perfectly illustrates the gap between the BJP’s promises and their accomplishments.”
The symbolic move highlights AAP’s election strategy of holding the BJP accountable for alleged inaction and unfulfilled commitments as the political battle for Delhi intensifies.
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