After viral video of man urinating on tribal laborer, Shivraj Chouhan orders action.

Shivraj Singh Chouhan, the chief minister of Madhya Pradesh, has seen the clip. He predicted the defendants would be charged under the NSA (National Security Act).

After Viral Video of Man Urinating on Tribal Laborer
After Viral Video of Man Urinating on Tribal Laborer

A video showing a guy urinating on a worker has gone viral in the Sidhi area of Madhya Pradesh. Pale Kol, a member of a tribal people, is the victim of this act. He lives in Sidhi and provides his living by doing manual labor.

The state’s chief executive, Shivraj Singh Chouhan, has watched the clip, which is now six days old. He advocated charging the perpetrator with a crime under the NSA.

A viral video from Sidhi district has been brought to my attention, he tweeted. I’ve ordered the authorities to make an immediate arrest, pursue legal proceedings, and implement NSA.
The worker apparently fears retaliation and is reluctant to file a formal complaint. The video was shot six days ago, but cops didn’t find it until Tuesday at 4 p.m.

Pravesh Shukla has been named as the suspect. He has been charged under the SC/ST act and IPC sections 294 and 504 by local Sidhi police.

Even Madhya Pradesh’s opposition leaders were outraged by the footage. According to a former member of parliament CM Kamal Nath, “There is no place for such a heinous and fallen act in a civilized society.” He also called for stopping violence in Madhya Pradesh’s tribal communities.

The act was deemed “shameful” by Madhya Pradesh Youth Congress President and tribal leader Vikrant Bhuria.

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