Bollywood icon Salman Khan recently made heads turn with his unexpected appearance, showcasing a brand new bald look that has left his fans pleasantly...
"The Legend of Hanuman" has etched its place as a remarkable animated series, enthralling audiences with its captivating storytelling and breathtaking animation.
As fans eagerly...
In a surprising turn of events, Deepika Padukone, known for her poise and composure, showed a different side of herself when she confronted paparazzi...
Bhumi Pednekar, recently honored at the IFM-Indian Film Festival of Melbourne, is reminiscing about her Melbourne journey. She shared a throwback album capturing her...
Abhishek Bachchan's latest movie, Ghoomer, released on August 18, has been embraced by audiences with love and admiration. Adding a touch of surprise and...
Unveiling the Relationship of AP Dhillon and Banita Sandhu: The connection between singer AP Dhillon and actor Banita Sandhu has been making waves, from...
The crime drama "Guns & Gulaabs" has captivated audiences with its marvelously wacky storyline and exceptional performances. Created by Raj and DK, this Netflix...