Harrison Ford Divorce: Harrison Ford married screenwriter Melissa Mathison in 1983. The two allegedly met on the set of "Apocalypse Now," where Ford played Colonel...
tWitch Net Worth: tWitch, real name Stephen Laurel Boss, was born in Montgomery, Alabama on September 29, 1982. In 2008, he rose to prominence after...
John Legend Net Worth: John Roger Stephens (born December 28, 1978) is an American singer, songwriter, pianist, and record producer better known by his stage...
Drew Barrymore Net Worth: Drew Barrymore is an author, director, and actress (born February 22, 1975. She has been nominated for seven Emmys, a Golden...
David Dobrik Net Worth: David Dobrik, an internet star, was born Dávid Julián Dobrk on July 23, 1996. His initial popularity came through Vine, then...