
Did Alan Jackson Pass Away? Is He Really Dead, Or Is It Just A Rumor?

Despite the 'Sad News' Facebook death hoax, Alan Jackson is not dead. People who spread a death rumor about star Bruce Willis also spread...

Francis Suarez, The Mayor of Miami, Starts His Run for Presidential Bid, 2024

Francis Suarez, the Republican mayor of Miami, started his campaign for president for 2024 on Thursday. This was the official start of the long-shot...

45 Bags Filled With Remains of Missing Human Body Found in Mexico Ravine

In a Mexico ravine, 45 bags containing human b0dy parts were found. In the past few years, people's b0dies have been found in different...

Imaqtpie Announced About His Divorce With Lisha While Streaming!

A big part of Imaqtpie's success and career came from how good he was at playing League of Legends. He makes a living by...

The decision of Lysa Terkeurst to Get Divorced After Trying Hard to Save Her Marriage!

Lysa TerKeurst has decided to get a divorce after trying hard to save her marriage. Despite the pain, she has stayed 'solid' in her...

Caught on Camera: The Shocking Murder of 16-Year-Old Dalit Girl in Delhi

In Delhi, a sensation was created by the brutal assassination of a 16-year-old Dalit girl by a 20-year-old Muslim youth. The gruesome incident was...

An Apology and Compensation by CM Mamata Banerjee To Cracker Factory Explosion Victims

Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of Bengal, apologizes to the families of those who died in the cracker factory explosion. Mamata Banerjee, the West...

The Names of 24 New Ministers to Be Inducted in Karnataka Are Out: Check Out Their Names!

In Karnataka, a woman among 24 ministers was inducted into the Siddaramaiah government. On Saturday, 24 Congress leaders took the oath as ministers in...

Tragic Accident In Mohali, A 78 Year Old Man Crushed Under Speeding Truck, Di*d on Spot!

In Mohali A 78-year-old woman was ki!!ed, and the driver was apprehended. The tragedy occurred around 10 in the morning when the dece@sed, Ram...

Jim Gordon Drummer: A Convicted Ki!!er Di*d at 77

Jim Gordon Drummer for Eric Clapton and convicted ki!!er, di*d at age 77. Eric Clapton and George Harrison's drummer, who won a Grammy, Jim...


