Delhi Mayor Mahesh Kumar Khichi announced on Saturday the construction of ‘Pink Toilets’ for women in prominent markets across the capital. The decision followed a meeting at the Civic Centre with 100 women entrepreneurs, led by Priyanka Saxena, General Secretary of the Chamber of Trade and Industry (CTI) Women’s Council.
The meeting, organized under CTI Chairman Brijesh Goyal’s leadership, addressed several civic issues affecting women in business. Entrepreneurs highlighted challenges such as insufficient parking in markets like Lajpat Nagar and Karol Bagh, which hinders customer access.
“Traveling with cash in cabs and autos is risky, and parking is rarely available,” they said, emphasizing the inconvenience faced by business owners and shoppers.
Security concerns, including frequent incidents of chain snatching and mobile thefts, were also raised. Additionally, the women sought clarity on notices they had received regarding trade licenses and house taxes.
In response, Khichi assured the group that pink toilets would be prioritized in major markets to improve facilities for women. He stated that these plans would be implemented after the Aam Aadmi Party government’s re-election.
The mayor also announced plans to enhance the appeal of historical markets by creating selfie points at locations such as Chandni Chowk, Karol Bagh, Lajpat Nagar, Khari Baoli, and Kashmiri Gate. These selfie points aim to celebrate Delhi’s rich cultural heritage and attract more visitors to the markets.
Khichi’s announcements were well-received, as they addressed critical issues impacting both businesses and public spaces, signaling efforts to make Delhi’s markets more accessible, secure, and inclusive for women and families.
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