The Delhi Police arrested Sanjeev Jha, a man wanted in several cheating cases, for allegedly duping multiple parents by promising to secure their children’s selection in competitive exams. Jha, who was a proclaimed offender, was apprehended by the Cyber Cell team of the Crime Branch.
According to Sanjay Kumar Sain, Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime Branch), Jha had been posing as a faculty member at the Defense Career Academy in Delhi Cantonment. He falsely claimed to have voluntarily retired from the Indian Army and served in the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).
By leveraging these fake credentials, Jha convinced parents to pay large sums of money, ranging between ₹20 to 25 lakh, in exchange for guaranteed selection in prestigious exams like the NDA and other government exams.
Jha was already wanted in a case registered at the Ranjeet Nagar Police Station, and he had been declared a proclaimed offender after absconding following his bail. On January 18, the police received a tip-off regarding Jha’s location in Vasundhara, Ghaziabad. A police team set up a trap and arrested him.
During questioning, Jha revealed that financial difficulties following the death of his parents led him to crime. Despite holding a B.Sc degree and working as a teacher, he resorted to fraudulent activities alongside his associates, taking advantage of parents’ aspirations for their children’s success.
Jha confessed to scamming several victims and trying to evade arrest by going into hiding.
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