In an unprecedented move to solve one of history’s enduring enigmas, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has announced a reward of $1 million (approximately ₹8.5 crore) for anyone who can successfully decode the ancient script of the Indus Valley Civilization.
The Indus Valley Civilization, dating back to 2600–1900 BCE, is renowned for its advanced urban planning and culture. However, its script, featuring around 400 unique symbols found on seals and pottery, remains undeciphered despite over a century of scholarly attempts. Unlike Egyptian hieroglyphs, the script lacks a bilingual text like the Rosetta Stone to aid in its interpretation.
Stalin’s announcement has ignited interest among linguists, historians, and enthusiasts worldwide, viewing it as an opportunity to uncover insights into the civilization’s social, economic, and cultural life. Experts suggest that deciphering the script will require a blend of computational linguistics, archaeological expertise, and innovative problem-solving.
The initiative has sparked global excitement, with social media platforms abuzz over the historical significance of decoding the script. This challenge is not only about the monetary reward but also a chance to unlock the voices of an ancient civilization and redefine our understanding of human history.
Stay tuned to Digi Hind News for updates on this remarkable quest.