What Went Wrong With Janet Jackson’s Marriage? In the wake of Janet Jackson and Wissam Al Mana’s divorce, a murkier picture has emerged, one that involves a complete collision of the two couples’ cultural backgrounds.
According to a comprehensive new report that originated in the United Kingdom, it was a marriage that had been deteriorating and one that the singer had been eager to get out of for quite some time. This information comes from the report.
The birth of Janet and Wissam’s child, Eissa, took place on January 3, and the baby appears to be the primary source of contention between the couple. According to the Daily Mail, Janet has only left her son once since he was born because she wants to be a hands-on mother and she has only done so once. However, in order to assist him in taking care of Eissa, Wissam has hired a large staff.
According to a source who spoke to Page Six, “Janet believed that he had become too controlling during the pregnancy.” “She had already consented to him dictating her appearance and even the manner in which she carried herself during performances. It drove her absolutely insane, and she worried that she was losing her following as a result.”
According to an article in People magazine, the couple discovered just how different they were after Eissa was born.
According to the insider, “they went their separate ways not long after the baby was born.” “After Eissa’s arrival, the cultural gaps that existed between her and Wissam became even more glaringly apparent. They originate from very different parts of the universe.”
The source went on to say, “Janet spent many years attempting to adopt his way of life and culture. Her lack of familiarity with the culture stems from the fact that she did not grow up with it. She frequently had the impression that she had let Wissam down.”
In recent years, Janet had been seen dressing in a manner that was much more conservative than in previous years. Many people attributed this change in Janet’s attire to Wissam, who is deeply religious as well as extremely wealthy. On April 9, TMZ estimated that he has a net worth of approximately $1 billion, which is significantly higher than Janet’s estimated net worth of approximately $175 million.

While the couple battled it out over their child, Janet’s mother, Katherine Jackson, is said to have been the final straw in the relationship’s unraveling. According to the Daily Mail, Janet was forbidden from leaving the house while she was nursing their child.
The Jackson matriarch traveled to London a few weeks after her grandson Eissa was born to spend time with her new great-grandson, but she also wanted to get away from Los Angeles, where she claimed her nephew Trent had harassed, bullied, and spied on her. In London, she was able to escape this situation.
Katherine went back to Los Angeles so that she could testify as a witness in her legal proceeding. Wissam exhibited a lack of interest in his mother-in-predicament, the law’s whereas rumors have it that Janet has been concerned about her mother’s health.
According to a source who spoke to Page Six, Janet arrived at the conclusion that there was no going back at that point in time. “Wissam exhibited very little to no concern for her mother, despite the fact that she was anxious about her own mother.”
It would appear that the two individuals had not spoken to one another in a considerable amount of time. It’s assumed that she and Wissam had a prenuptial agreement due to the magnitude of their respective fortunes, and TMZ is speculating that the date of their divorce could have repercussions for the terms of that agreement.
“Prenups typically have 5 and 10-year marks, which trigger more money in the pot to be divided,” TMZ said. “These marks cause more money to be divided.” “In February of 2013, Janet revealed to the world that she had tied the knot the previous February.
Given the date that was reported to be the beginning of her split from Al Mana, it appears to be very close to the point in time that marks the completion of five years of marriage.”
The challenges that Janet is experiencing in her marriage will take a back seat to the arrival of their child.
According to a family member who spoke to People, Janet is “all about the baby and is okay.” They plan to co-parent their child throughout his upbringing.
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