In a heart-wrenching incident in the bustling city of Hyderabad, a dedicated woman sanitation worker met a tragic fate while performing her duties. This...
In a spine-tingling incident that has sent shockwaves across the internet, a video has emerged from Mahoba, Uttar Pradesh, depicting an extraordinary encounter between...
A heart-wrenching incident shook Rohini, Delhi, on August 26, involving Dr. Rajinder Yadav, a distinguished physician and the Director and Head of Urology and...
In a heart-wrenching turn of events, Kota, often regarded as the IIT-preparation capital of India, was once again engulfed in grief on Sunday, August...
In a shocking incident in Muzaffarnagar, an FIR has been filed against Alt News Co-Founder Mohammad Zubair for revealing the identity of a minor.